Natural solution for the stomach ulcers by enhancing the natural functions of the digestive system:


Natural nutritional herbs small spoon + honey (black cumin) before eating and cup of milk or comomel, added to it five herbal oil droplets (Pertisol).

1-You shall follow the following regime: take six meals daily as follows:

Breakfast: calorie-free bread + cup of milk without fats + boiled egg + butter with black cumin honey. 

Forenoon: cup of milk sugared by honey or without + biscuits.

Launch: calorie-free bread + grilled fish + tahini + soup + Mehalabeya.

Afternoon: cup of milk + biscuits.

Dinner: calorie-free bread + honey + fruit-salad + cup of milk.

Before sleeping: warm cup of milk.


Use this system for a month, then add gradually boiled chicken and fried meat and liver over the coming two months, then return to natural food system in the start of the fourth month, and avoid fats, acids, spicy food and soda water.


-         Gradually reduce the chemical treatment until it stops after a month and a half, to two months.