Elgabry Center for Herbs

Who are we?

Elgabry center for herbs consists of many sections

1-Natural solutions for many diseases affect body system

          Face Area                           acne,  fadness and hardne

Hair                                     hair falling, dandruff, less growing, Alopecia, Bladness and undesirable hair

Skin                                     eczyma  psoriases, Teania vercicolour, Teania pedis, skin cracking and hardness

Respiratory system           Athna, chronic cough, sinusitis, rhinities , recurrent sore throat

Digestive system               peptic and duodenal ulcer, spastic colone,mouth ulcer, piles, amoeba, worms,                                       chronic diaharria and chronic constipation

Skeltal and Bone system   Rhumatic arthritis,  Rhumatoid, disc and plyneurities, gout

Gentourinary                      renal calculi, prostatic disorder, impotenince, oligospermia

Circulatory system            Hyper tension, hyper cholestermia, varicases, anemia

Whole body                        obesity, weight loss, immunodiffiency

Miscellaneous problems    Migrain, tumers scancer, memory loss, less concentration, diabetes control,                                        smoking

2- Honey Sections

                                                     Many types of honey (blackseed, clover, euclyptus, ziphaus)

                                                     Also fresh products : Royal Jelly, Bee polless,  proplis bees wax

3-All types of raw herbs and spices

4-Special Natural Products

                                  Pure olive oil, fresh wheat germ, green tea, apple virager


                                               Natural mixtures and their magic action


                                             Many good perfumes

 We can make also a new products as per request of our Customers