The Center Offers

Natural solutions: Natural Dietary herbs
(solution for every problem)

Epidermal problems: Blisters , Acne,Acne effects, hyper pigmentation & . Melasma                                    

Hair problems: Loss of Hair, low hair growth, dandruff, Alopecia(Baldness spots), Successful storming of the problem of baldness                           

Skin problems: Warts, Psoriasis & Chronic eczema, tinea versicolor,   Fungal foot , Dry skin 

Respiratory problems: Asthma, Chronic coughs, Sinusitis and Rhinitis, Frequent throat congestion        

Digestive problems: Gastro-intestinal ulceration, Colon Irritation, mouth    uulcer , Parasites and worms , Chronic constipation and diarrohea, Colon ulceration  

Muscular system problems: Rheumatism, Arthritis and bones s   

 I nflammation, Rheumatoid, Peripheral neuritis   ,Disc Prolapses, Gout, Bone spare 

Reproductive and Urinary tract problems: Stones of urinary tract, Prostatitis, weak erection, impotence, infertility and low sperm, nictornal inuresies. 

Circulatory system problems: Control of Hypertension, High cholesterol, Haemorrhoids, Atherosclerosis, Varicoses

Body problems: obesity and Sagging, Slimming, Enlargement of breast.

 A variety of problems : Migraine , Tumors , Weakness of memory and lack of concentration , Control of Diabetes and get rid of smoking , Get rid of excess hair , Depression , Insomnia , Ears problems, uterine bleeding, facial pulsy, vagal nerve inflammation, Excessive sweat in hands & feet.

2- Different kinds of 100% pure natural honey (Black seed, Clover, Eucalyptus, Citrus, cider honey [imported], Anise & Caraway, Marjoram, Chamomile, Basil.

3- 100% pure Royal Jelly, Bee-Pollen grains, Beeswax, Propolis.

4- All kinds of pure spices with distinctive prices.

 5- High quality Perfumes: International High quality Perfumes with psychological and mental benefits as recovery mental and psychological comfort and a diffuser of fantastic odor and the perfuming creams for hair and body .

6- Special Products Section: High quality and pure Olive oil, Fresh wheat germ, Green tea, Apple Vinegar, Barley products, pure Oats, Natural pure ginseng, and spadix (Date pollens).

7- Aromatherapy section: Using Aromatherapy oils to raising the physically and psychologically status for human which is entrance for happy life as mentioned in Securities ancient Egyptians and Arabs and scientists of modern Europe now.

So it moves you blessing anxious to the assurance and from the anger to the quietness and from the sadness to the joy and from the frustration to the optimism and from the emotional impotence to the attendance on couplation and blessing clear to the sleep the guide and blessing troubles of the academic achievement to strength of the collection and the     concentration and special formula for night of examination.

Here some knowledge for you about it:  *

Aromatic and herbal oils and it's dramatic effect in the comfort of the body , spirit and mind which known as Aromatherapy, Which originated in papyrus of Ancient Egyptian and circulated to Arabic and Islamic scientists as Avicenna , Ben El.Bitar and El Rasy, then extinct for a long period  and appeared again in 1920 , when the french scientist

 Renee Catofossi was working in his lab and his hand was severely burned and instead putting it in the water he put it in a pure lavender oil by mistake, so the pain stopped and then it completely mended without any scar or effect then he began to draw his attention to study this oil and other similar aromatic oils, and then the studies and concerns increased till'' aromatherapy '' word appeared at 1970 as certificated learn to raise the state of human mental, physical and psychological dealing with the sense of touch and smell which was neglected before that in the field of human care.

Aromatherapy compounds characterized by efficiency, speed and safety which give them priority in use within European societies.

 Examples of the problems that the Centre has resolved through the use of such oils by massage and inhalation

14.Physical fatigue and an inability to relax.

15.A house full of mosquitoes and flies and vermin .


17.Anxiety and tension.


 19.Excess hand sweating.

20.Per oral dermatitis.

21.Emphysema in the foot as a result of water retention.

22.Wrinkles and, Burns and wounds impacts.


24.Chronic vaginal infections.

25.Menopause disorders   

26.Ears pain and congestion.

27.Head insects & Lice.   

28.Infections of the gums and teeth.

29.Crusting and damaged nails

30.Exfoliation of skin and diapers and Skin Rash.

31.Sun block.

32.Vomiting and Nausea.

 1- Frequent and nervous headache


3.The bad smell of fungal feet.

4.Emotional impotence and unwillingness to marital cohabitation of the parties, leading to weak erection for men and women colder.

5.Insect bites and stings.

6.Insomnia, the inability to sleep.

7.Depression and a sense of sadness.

8.Striations of the abdomen and body after labour or descent weight.

9.Psychological Stress.

10.Drought face and hands.

11.Weakness of memory , lack of focus and lack of educational attainment.

12.Loss of concentration and unreliable information on the night of the exam.

13.Bad breath.